So it's been FAR TOO LONG since I've updated this here blog. Long story short, I didn't have internet at my old place, but I just bought a condo and once again have joined the land of the wireless! What's that saying, "home is where the wi-fi connects automatically?" ha! but for real...
So this past year was pretty awesome! I ended the summer with a road trip to GoNoOdle headquarters (awesome visit!)! My class and I made our television debut on the local CBS Friday afternoon news for a segment called "local teacher uses dance to keep kids fit and focused," featuring our use of GoNoOdle! We won multiple pizza parties for our attendance at spirit nights, and we won two ice cream parties for collecting the most box tops! Oh, and the whole class won free tickets to a Braves game over spring break for having the best handmade shirts when the Braves Caravan came to our school! #winning! haha!
So yeah, GoNoOdle is my jam! They've got Camp GoNoOdle this summer with weekly adventures, camp songs, badges, and campers of the week! Check out Mrs. Ehle's awesome post for all of the details! Don't forget to sign up for a GoNoOdle account here!
I'm joining up with Mrs. Ehle's linky and sharing my faves!
Join our linky party and help us CELEBRATE SUMMER with Camp GoNoodle!
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.