Sunday, July 31, 2011

classroom set-up, day 3

sorry for the delay in posting these... I went from school Friday afternoon to game night, then spent all day Saturday at GA Tech for the Southeast Kickball Fest Tournament... it was a long day, AND I sprained my ankle.  booooo!  My team made it to the final 4, and lost to our friends who ended up winning it all...   I spent today resting the ankle, and trying not to think about waking up to an alarm tomorrow (pre-planning day 1 starts at 7:45!!)

So here are the pictures...
such a mess, ick!
 the final bulletin board, this one is for cafe!
my massive library corner.  the canvas bags hanging on the hooks are my Thursday Book Bags (shout out to Mrs. Bainbridge!!)
on the left I've got my Exemplar stages posted, and the Thursday Book Bag Check Out Station is on the right... I think I'm putting my "Owl" be a helper! jobs on the top right
 ta da!
 having this done makes me so happy!
I put up the headers for cafe and daily 5, and got the calendar area set up!
and this is what I'm walking in to tomorrow morning... it's getting there!

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