Monday, August 20, 2012

Teacher Week! {Must Have Monday}

Oh.  Em.  Gee.  Today marks my third Monday with kiddos, and y'all, I am worn out!  I have neglected this poor little blog for far too long... well it ends now.  Teacher Week is back, baby!  So here are my must haves (some are repeats from last year, and some are new!)

well this is a no-brainer!  I don't think I'm alone when I say that Pinterest has changed my lesson planning for the better!  (I also love that I can access Pinterest at school, it's back after a short-lived ban due to a "social networking" label...)
this just makes me giggle! 
Starbucks Trenta Iced Coffee with Hazlenut and Skim Milk... it makes for a happy morning!  (I love when I leave my house early enough to stop in, there's not a drive-thru Sbux on my way- sad face)
My document camera!  I have this baby on all day!!
which goes hand in hand with...
my mimio!
(we had to check them in at the end of the year, and re-check them out this year... and the one I got has a busted stylus... no buzzing... no nothing... so sad.  have to wait for a replacement- so sad)

 I adore school supplies, but my favorite find (originally at Michael's and now at Wal-Mart)...
Scentos!  My munchkins love how these smell, and I love how they're chunky, they fit nicely in my hand, and the broad tip makes a nice smiley!

and new to my classroom this year.... the one item that should be on every teacher's wish list (and one that I'll be doing a review on soon):
picture from I Teach What's Your Superpower's blog, I wish I knew how to add hearts to pictures...

Link up with Blog Hoppin' and share your must haves!

1 comment:

Mrs. Bartel's School Family (Alyce) said...

Great list. I got my pencil sharpener on Saturday and I love it. So happy with that purchase.

Mrs. Bartel’s School Family