Click here to check it out and enter!
in other news, the honeymoon is over... for two of my kiddos. My newbie was jumping up and down in his chair during our midyear writing assessment, and Mr. "I've been on an island since the first week of school" was moved back to an island after a SUPER short stint at a table group... le sigh.
BUT a group of teachers are going to start working out in the Media Center after school (using the giant screen to project Shaun T.) starting tomorrow and I'm going to be in attendance.
AND my second pinterest-inspired recipe is in the oven right now... tonight's menu: cheesy chicken roll ups, minus the butter and breadcrumbs (I bought the 8 pack of crescents, so I'll def have leftovers for lunch, which should be awesome... today's school lunch was less than inspired).
Thanks for sharing my giveaway!
I go back on Monday and have a sweetheart who has been honeymooning since the 2nd week of school... his honeymoon ended the week before Christmas. I guess I should be happy that the honeymoon lasted so long, as he spend much of his year in his first grade room crawling under tables, standing on chairs, peeing in inappropriate places... you get the picture. I'm hoping he'll be re-inspired to behave after having a few weeks off of school!
Anyway, good luck with your kiddos and thanks again!
Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog
I have nominated you for an award. Come on over to check it out!
❁Beth Ann❁
Taming My Flock of Firsties
My kiddos have been quiet since break as well! Let's hope it lasts. :) I just gave you the Versatile Blogger Award! Come on over to my blog to pick it up. :)
Second Grade Sugar and Spice
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